Friday, November 5, 2010

Meserhle vs Grant

I know I havent been keeping up with my blog, but I've been pretty busy trying to keep up with school. Given today is the Sentencing of Johannes Meserhle I thought I would share my recent Case File for my Psychology class. It's a long read, but let me know your thoughts

Case File:BART Shooting Analysis

Matt Hubert

Psychology 1 Dr. Cabrera

Solano Community College

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Research was conducted to analyze and show the effects of emotions and the responses they trigger in regards to the shooting that took place on January 1, 2009. Although, there is no clear cut reason why Oscar Grant died that night, some insight can be gained by applying the three theories of emotion; James-Lange theory, Cannon-bard Theory, and the Two Factor theory. The Cannon-Bard theory fits the series of events that took place within the officer’s mind given the facts that were collected during the writing of this paper.

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Throughout life we as humans are faced with stressful and physically taxing experiences. How we react to such situations has been long debated as to where exactly these responses come from and how they actually occur. Fight or Flight is a cliché often thrown about in instances such as this, but what does it really mean? “The "fight or flight response" is our body's primitive, automatic, inborn response that prepares the body to "fight" or "flee" from perceived attack, harm or threat to our survival.” (Neil F. Neimark). Unfortunately, our brains aren’t always in top decision making shape when this instinct decides to take over, fact that Johannes Mehserle knows all too well. Johannes was a BART police officer on duty the night that Oscar Grant died. In fact, he is the officer that drew his fire arm and shot off a single round into Oscars back as he lay on his stomach. Videos of the incident can be found all over the internet now, different angles, different qualities, but none of them can pick up on what is being said between the officers and Oscar. At first glance the sequence of events that arose during the altercation paint Johannes to be a racist cold blooded killer, according to various responses of views on a YouTube video. If you have never seen the video I recommend you view before proceeding with this essay because words cannot describe everything, but neither can the video. Both are merely a piece of the puzzle of the story of what exactly took place that unfortunate night. So what do we know about the incident? According to various testimonies, the train was stopped at the Fruitvale station when the conductor had called the police to report 12 men fighting on the train. Oscar Grant was one of the confirmed perpetrators and had tried to run back on to the train when he learned of what was going on. Once he was again removed from the train he was instructed to sit against the wall with 2 other suspects. This is where the videos all start. Johannes arrives at the

CaseFile: Bart Shooting 4

Scene as back up and instantly jumps to the aid of the other officers. Everything is calm and seems to be going smoothly. Then 3 other men come off of the train to see what the cops are doing to Grant and his accomplices. Things start to get a little hectic with a few police officers trying to subdue the others who just came off the train, and then when the police officers inform the 3 sitting down that they are going to be placed under arrest. Grant then jumps up from the ground protesting the arrest of his friend. Officers then push him back to the ground and proceed to place him under arrest. There is visual evidence to show that Oscar is putting up a bit of a struggle against the police officers as they tried to place him in handcuffs. Where this story takes a turn for the worst is when Johannes claims that Grant was refusing to put his right hand behind his back and placed it under his hip, seemingly reaching for a weapon. The officer Says “I’m going to Taze him!” proceeds to reach for the weapon and fires once into Oscars back. The mistake was that he did not grab his Taser, he mistakenly grabbed his firearm and the single bullet went completely through Oscar and ricochet off the ground back into his chest piercing his lung. Hours later Oscar Grant was pronounced dead at the local hospital and the video went viral. The blood on Johannes Mehserle’s hands was put out for the world to judge, and judge they did without a single inclination of the true nature of this unfortunate tragedy.

Arguing in Johannes defense has proven difficult to the many that do support him and believe is was an accident. With such striking visual evidence the mind can easily believe that this is an execution style white on black hate crime. Police brutality has long been debated and an issue so in a city like Oakland, CA that consists of predominantly low income African American households it really is no surprise how they reacted.

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There undoubtedly are many instances of excessive force being displayed towards blacks by the Oakland Police, but Johannes cannot be the scapegoat for these abusers. Confirmation bias is a dangerous thing when it comes to situations like this which is why it is best to gather as much information about the event as possible and look at it from multiple perspectives before forming your own bias. To think that this was an intentional act of murder is to agree with the Schacter-Singer theory of emotion. This theory states that “To experience emotion one must be physically aroused and cognitively label that arousal” (David G. Myers p515). In other words, Johannes’ actions had to be triggered by Oscar Grant refusing to pull his hand from under his body. As a police officer his instincts tell him he’s reaching for his weapon so he labels it danger. Being cognitively aware of this he would logically know which one of his side arms to reach for which was clearly not the case. However, the part that does fit this theory is how Johannes reacted after firing the bullet. In the videos he shows a clear sense of astonishment as if to say “what did I just do?” as stated in the application for bail that was submitted to the court

“After telling Officer Pirone he was going to taze Grant and yelling at Pirone to “get

back,” Mehserle, according to witness statements, drew his department-issued firearm, which

was located on his right side, pointed the weapon at Mr. Grant’s back, and fired a single time.

Virtually all witnesses who saw the event or looked to the location where Mehserle was

standing after they heard the gunshot described Mehserle as being in shock and many saw him putting his hands to his head.” (5)

Case File:Bart Shooting 6

Although Mr. Mehserle was cognitive of his actions and stated he was going to taze Oscar Grant he naturally reached for his fire arm. Whether or not he needed to use even a Taser is subject to debate and more of a moral dilemma rather than scientific fact. What little facts that are available show while the Two-Factor theory has some relations with the situation is does not completely

meet the frame work. Yes he had a stimulus prior to his emotion of shock, but his cognitive awareness did not prevent his automatic response that had been previously programmed through his hours of training.

To really understand how powerful emotions are a clear explanation of what exactly emotions are is necessary. Emotion is “a response of the whole organism, involving physiological response, expressive behaviors and conscious experience” (David G. Myers p.515). In other words, when an emotion hits hard and fast your body will react. How it will react really depends on the person and their prior experiences. Some will act first think later and others manage their emotions within their actions. The Cannon-Bard theory of emotions works with the later. It’s described as “the theory that an emotion-arousing stimulus simultaneously triggers physiological responses and the subjective experience of emotion. A good example of this is shown in the video taken of the train station when Oscar Grant jumps up in response to the news that his friend would be arrested. His emotion of outrage and action of standing up quickly intertwined so closely that this theory fits completely. However, it does not explain Johannes actions in the slightest. As stated earlier there was an expression on his face immediately afterward that it’s hard to deny that his emotions set in after the shot had been fired. Police

Case File:Bart Shooting 7

officers are drilled and trained to respond to stressful situations in various ways depending on the stimuli. In this case the officer had been trained in a threatening situation that he reaches for his side arm located on his right side. While his intentions were to grab his Taser, which he had positioned on the opposite side of his belt, his minds automatic reaction was to reach for the gun. Unfortunately, this mistake resulted in the unnecessary death of a young father. By his instincts reacting prior to his emotion of shock and regret Johannes actions can be defined by the James-Lange theory of emotions. Which states “our experience of our emotion is our awareness of our physiological responses to emotion” (David G. Myers p.515) or in other words, action before emotion. It does not undo what was done or justify the tragic loss of Oscar Grant, but it does provide some insight to the things going on behind the curtain.


So was it an execution style murder or simply a case of mistaken weaponry? Every person will be inclined to lean one way or the other based on their personal experiences with the information as well as their own biases. Science cannot explain every view point or opinion but it most certainly can explain one man’s actions in a high stress situation. We’ve explored the different possibilities and theories and it’s fairly clear based on the evidence provided that this was an unfortunate lapse in judgment caused by Office Mehserle’s pre coded response. Hopefully the

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BART Corporation will take a close look at the officers’ training guidelines to avoid another disaster like this. It was stated that “The officer who shot the gun had an expression on his face like “holy shit what happened or what did I do, with his hands around his head.” Caneva believed the officer also had an expression as “why did my gun go off?” (Statement of Witness Pam Caneva. 5). So clearly he did not mean to put a bullet into the young officer, so hopefully now that this information has been presented in a way to gain a better understanding of what happened in Johannes mind the training regime will be adjusted to put more cognitive thought into the reaction to a volatile situation.

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1.Behind murder charge against ex-BART officer: San Francisco Chronicle, Demian Bulwa, Wyatt Buchanan,Matthew Yi, Chronicle Staff Writers San Francisco Chronicle; January 14, 2009 06:51 PMCopyright San Francisco Chronicle. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Thursday, January 15, 2009

2.The Fight or Flight Response: Neil F. Neimark,

3.Did the Jury for the BART Shooting Get the ‘Right’ Verdict?: Stephen Littau, The Liberty papers July 13,2010.

4.Justice for Johannes Mehserle: Radley Balco, Reason.Com; July 12,2010
5.MOTION TO SET BAIL: Michael L. Rains, Defense attorney for Johanes Mehsersle; January 30, 2009
6.BART Shooting -- Peeling Back the Layers to the Truth: Rich Silverstein: The Huffington Post; July 9,2010
7.Psychology-8th edition in modules: David G. Myers; 2007 by Worth Publishers

Friday, October 15, 2010


I recently have found this new campaign against Prop 8 in California. For those of you who dont know Prop 8 restricts the marriage of Same sex couples. I just felt like sharing because I believe this is something that needs to be rectified.

My biggest problem with the whole issue is Why can't 2 people be married? There is suppose to be a seperation between church and state..Most who argue feel as if it will desanctify Marriage. I'm willing to bet Money that thses people are not refering to the governments defition of Marriage. It more than likely has something to do with their religious beliefs. Here's a Big NEWS FLASH: Not everyone in the US is Christian or Catholic therefore have different beliefs. All we are asking is too allow people of same sex to get LEGALY married. If your church doesnt agree they dont need to hold the ceremony.

I know this isnt about weight loss, but its something I feel strongly about and thought I would share. I would love to hear your thoughts, For or Against I welcome all feedback.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dark consumes the Light...

On Monday I set some goals for myself to acomplish during the week. Well,I only have the possibility to complete one of them. 2 Nights I have eaten after 9 and I've gotten 5 hours of sleep the last 2 nights. So that leaves me with the gym. I had a hard time with getting myself there yesterday and it was for a reason I really havent noticed or had before. as I analyzed it more and more it really got me thinking about some of the Beasts that consume our minds.

There are things in everyday life that can stop any weight loss momentum dead in its tracks. You say, what could be so awful to set someone astray like that. Some are blind and for them ignorance is bliss, but for the rest of us, here are some demons I want to confront right now.

The Mirror- I hate that you have the ability to make me feel bad. I go to the gym to get in shape and change my body, but all you do is throw it in my face how far I have fallen. I can't even use a machine without you glaring at my bulge of fat under my shirt. I cant use the elyptical without you staring at my man boobs. Not anymore. I will not let you own me anymore. Try and I have a nice Rock to show you where the ground is ;)

The Photo album- You tarnish my memories by reminding me of what I look like to other people. Or atleast how I Perceive they see me. I want to be able to look at you and not feel ashamed

Moving on...
This week has been less than perfect when it comes to the goals I had set last Monday. I ate after 9 twice, I didnt get the Sleep I wanted..However, after this afternoon I will have made it to the Gym 4 days so woohoo for that! The best part of my week came friday night. My parents bought Pizza for dinner and if I havent mentioned it before. It seems no matter how good I do, Pizza nad Burritos are my Kryptonite. When they offered I declined (while my insides screamed ZOMG yesssssssss) The next 2 hours in my room were awful. I was arguing with myself so much I couldnt even focus on my homework...So...I eventually caved and went and ate 2 pieces. Usually this is were I Binge...I feel guilty for breaking so I proceed to consume everything I can...This time was different. I made a deal with myself,"Ok, So the pizza is going to win and you can eat it, but take it to your room and dont come out" I did. After talking to a friend about it yesterday I felt really proud of myself which carried over into last night. It was late again, I could feel the Urge coming. I went to the car to get my clothes for work...I start to walk towards the fridge, but instead I yell in my head STOP!! Went into my room and played video games before falling asleep.

Because of that, I feel stronger today.

Not too many words of wisdom today, but I'll leave you with a couple sayings.

Appreciate the Little things.

Hoping and Wishing are for people who are ok with Failure. To succeed, Just Do.

Weight: 264 (as of Monday 10/4)
Bench: 295
Mile: N/A

Monday, October 4, 2010

ITS MONDAY RAWR!!!....again

How many times have you heard or said to yourself "Alright, I'll start on Monday"? I know its probably coming out of my mouth by Wednesday every week lol. Thank you all so much for your comments on my last post. It gave me a LOT to think about this weekend and something tells me today is a different Monday :) I'm going to spend this post laying out my new goals and responding to the comments that got me thinking a lot about myself and my life.

Dr. J- I'm going to be honest, when I first read your comment I was like "Who the ef is this jerk?". I stopped right there say in my chair and thought.."Why did I just react like that to someone whose trying ot help me?" So because of that initial distain i felt I analyzed your post the most and I am so grateful for your response.
You can waste your time over thinking all this fat person stuff, or you can do the hard work that you will need to do to not be obese. You dug a hole for yourself when you first became obese.
This is something I NEEDED to hear. I constantly over think everything rather than just MANing up and getting shit done.

Jack Sh*t, Gettin' Fit
- I apreciate your honesty and your post as well struck a chord that needed to be. This
It's that "all or nothing" mentality that can get us in trouble sometimes, but it sometimes helps me to think of the process instead of the goal, to focus on the next step down the road instead of that spot on top of the mountain.
is PERFECT. You are absolutely right and this is something I will be expanding a bit more on later in the post.

To all the other Commenters, THANK YOU all so very much. As you can see I have a very modest follwoing (my mom lol) and now a few more have decided to join her. Your comments have been read many times and all critiques and compliments heard and taken too heart. I hope to have you all stay on board with me while I try this again.

The Plan: I came to the realization this last week that I need a change in my life and its not necesarily who I am now, but where I am going. All my life I have been nicknamed "Dr. Phil" by people who know me because I'm always trying to listen and help people understand why they feel a certain way and blah blah. I love helping people. I love how the mind works and am so curious to learn more that I am changing my Major from Computer Science to Psychology. I dont know what I want to do with it, but I know its something I want, I can feel it in my gut. I will be attempting to make it in to the University of Oregon after the next two semesters at the Solano JC. I'm in the process of setting up The Master Plan to achieve this goal and I am ready to lose myself in something that I know is MINE and mine alone. I'd like to thank My Mom for always supporting me in whatever path I've chosen to walk. I know Dad and Step mom will be right there too in their own way, but we both know Its better to lay out the plan first to show them how serious I am about this.

Now, How am I going to get myself healthy again Physically and Mentally? First I am going to admit something. I've been here before,I've fought this battle and I have won. I lost 117 lbs at one point. This is a NEW fight with more enemies and I am ready. I will stop beating myself down for "letting myself go". Life Happens either I continue to do the same things and get the same results or I stop my bitching and Man up. I accept that it will not happen in a week, month, or maybe even a Year, but it WILL happen. One day at a time, just like life. I am not happy with how I feel about myself and thats OK. It doesnt make me less of a person, the fact I'm not happy and do nothing about it does. I am a fighter and can do anything I set my mind too and this is how I will prove it. So, now every monday instead of setting my mind to "Alright lets lose all that weight!" I will be posting a blog with my goals for the week ahead. Small ones, big ones, it doesnt matter they will be obtainable and I will follow with a post on Saturday to let everyone (and myself) know just how well I did with them. This way I feel held accountable for my goals and not just be like, oh well next week. I will also be weighing in every monday morning at the Gym. This will start next week because I had a tooth pulled on Friday and am not allowed to work out again until Wednesday.

Go to the Gym 4-5 days this week. (W,Th,F,S,Sn)for a minimum of 45 min
No Eating after 9pm (I usually binge after this hour so it will be a tough one)
Get 7 hours of sleep every night( I wake up early 5/7 days of the week)

See you all Saturday! (maybe earlier if I feel like talking)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I'm not FAT...

How many of us have struggled with their weight at one point or another? I'm pretty confident in saying about 90% of the US population critiques the way their body looks no matter how "attractive" they may be. We live in a time it's become more important to get your muscles big,stomachs flat and our skin as brown as possible. Personally, I find this a little disturbing. We quote "The Situation" more than Voltair, Plato, Davinci, Einstein or any other of our worlds incredible minds. There's an infinite amount of information at our fingertips and yet as a whole society it seems as though we are more ignorant than ever, so whats the excuse? Obesity is a serious issue within our country and it is NOT because we are all lazy. There are so many other factors that play into this epidemic that it is wrong to put all the blame on people who fight this daily battle, and putting us down is not right or ok. I AM NOT FAT!

All my life I've heard that stupid word. Fatty,fatass, fat fuck and every other possible combination of the word FAT. Look up FAT in the dictionary and you certainly will not see my picture or anyone elses for that matter. Fat is tissue, I do HAVE too much fat on my body but that is NOT who or what I am. I struggle with this on a daily basis. Avoiding contact with mirrors, tugging at my clothes and then being mad at myself for even feeling that way. I'm a MAN I shouldnt care and be confident regardless. It's a little tough to do that when all I see are images of how I SHOULD look and what girls look for. Kinda sad right? I'm a good person, I'm smart,funny, caring, sweet, passionate and the list could go on and on about my good personality traits (please, I'm not being arrogant) but in my mind the only thing I can focus on is how I lack in the physical appearence part of who I am. There is so much turmoil within me that sometimes I just wish I could turn my brain off for a bit. I've been on both sides of this spectrum and I really dont know where to go from here...

Today, I weigh between 263-268 depending on the time of day. I've made a pact with a very important person in my life to lose 15 lbs by Halloween while she loses 10. I've made the personal decision to do this again. I've been down this road before a few years ago. I weigh 330+ and one morning just made the choice to change my life. over the next year and a half to 2 years I lost 117 lbs. Girls were flocking to me because I was ripped and cocky. I got laid a lot (sorry ma), had lots of dates, and girls always calling me...but I hated who I had to be to get that attention. I LOVED working out for hours and twice a day sometimes. I was addicted to eating right and scultping my body, but missed being the "nice guy". Then I met Jenn. She is my most recent Ex gf and probably the one who saved me from being just ANOTHER guy. She reminded me what was important inlife and it wasnt how I looked, it was Family. Friends,cousins, or even strangers on the street can become your family and make you feel accepted. And for this I am so thankful to her. This lesson came at the loss of my hard work. I regained half of what I lost over our relationship partly because of her as well. I hate puting blame on others for things that I ultimately control, but it is what it is. She made me feel guilty for going to the gym, eating healthy when she wasn't and then when I did gain weight she made little comments about it. She isnt a bad person and none of this was with malitious intent, she has her own personal demons she was dealing with and I have no ill feelings toward her. In fact I still love her very very much. We both realized we had things within ourselves that we needed to work on before we could truly make each other happy so we have avoided trying again, but I digress. She gave me the gift of Fatherhood. Although it was only for 18 months, I grew to love her son as if he were my own. He was my motivation for everything, but she took him from me with her own selfish actions. That love for him had awoken a new part of me I didnt even know existed and has forever changed me.

Now, I'm afraid to get lost in the Gym again. I'm afraid to lose the weight and get my body back to where I had it because I dont want to lose who I am again..I try to talk to my friends about all of this but none of them really understand because they've never been the fat kid. So where I go from here? I'm tired of being FAT. I can see it in peoples eyes, the lack of attention I get paid or even invites from my friends to party. My name is Matt and I deserve to be treated better. I also deserve to FEEL better about myself. Unfortunetly, this is the hardest part because it isnt exactly something I can do alone. I'm not good at asking for help either. It's Go time and I am going to get back into the shape I used to be. Not for attention, not because society says I should, but because it makes ME happy. If anyone reads this or decides to follow my blog I will be posting more often and I ask of you PLEASE help me along my journey.

Week 4 NFL Picks

I did not see several of the games last week ending up the way they did leaving me with a 7-9 record for the week :/

Week 4 marks the first of the Bye Weeks it'll be interesting to see who finishes like they started or who turns it around.

Overall: 25-23


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Week 3

Overall: 18-14

This week is gonna be just straight up picks. I'm too sleepy for the explinations


Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 2 NFL Picks

Overall: 8-8

Well week one didnt go as well as I had hoped, but I also understand that you never really know where teams stand until its Game time. So hopefully this week I can do better than .500 and start moving myself back up the way I expect.

Buf Vs GB
Pick: GB

I still think the Green Bay is the best team in the NFC overall right now. They play Great defense and the Offense can score at anytime. Aaron Rodgers was lack luster in last weeks start against a good Philidelphia defense. Buffalo has an ok D, but Zero offense. CJ Spiller will be ineffective against GB just like he was last week. With Ryan Grant out they will ahve to rely on Aarons arm and their WR core. GB moves to 2-0

Pick: Min

This is a tough pick for me right now. Minnesota has glarying weaknesses going into this game that really do worry me. Their lack of Depth at DB could prove to be a problem with Brandon Marshall, Davon Bess, and Bret Heartline. Pair that with their WR corp being diminished to Berrian and Camarillo ( Maybe Harvin) and it could be 0-2 for the Purple dudes. The reasons I go win Min are #4 and #28. I dont see them allowing the team go to the bottom of the NFC North.

pick: KC

Jamaal Charles and Dexter McCluster seem to have Revived this franchise with some positive energy and explosion. The Coaching Staff is doing a great job over there. Cle is well..Cle. Thats really all I can say.

Chi vs Dal
Pick: Dal

Chicago almost lost the the Lions. The only reason they didnt was 2 TD passes to Matt Forte. Dallas' defense wont allow that dump off crap. The only way I see Chicago winning is if they dominate the Line of scrimmage on defense. They didnt do it vs Det and I dont see it happening Vs a much better Dallas team

Pick: ATL

This will all depend on how the Falcons respond to their loss against Pitt. They out match the Cardinals on Defense, but they both have high powered offenses. If the Falcons D shows up to play and can put enough pressure on Derek Andersen they will improve to 1-1

Pick: Car

Tampa played decent enough in their home opener, but it seemed to me that Cleveland beat themselves more than TB did. Carolina put too much on Matt Moore in the first game and it showed with 3 picks inside the red zone. I'm looking for a Steady dose of Deangelo Williams and Jonathan Stewart to grind out a hard nose win.

Pick: Phi

Philly almost came back and beat the Packers last week once Mike Vick ran the show. If he wasn't down 20-3 when he got the rock they very well may have won. I'm excited to see Sick Vick in Action. I dont see the Lions putting up much of fight to be honest.

Bal Vs Cin.
Pick: Bal

After the hurt they put on the Jets last week I dont see the Ravens slowing down anytime soon. The Bengals got beat by what in my opinion is a lesser Patriots Defense. Again my concern with he Ravens Defense is their secondary, but if they put pressure on Palmer with their front 7 it wont matter much.

Pit Vs Ten
Pick: Pit

This is kind of an interesting Match up to me. Similar QB styles in V.Young and D. Dixon, Good RB's on both sides and fast defenses. I give the nod to the Steelers because I think they will be able to "contain" CJ and wont give up the big plays over the top with Troy Polamalu looking like he's in top shape.

Sea vs Den.
Pick: Seattle

I'm impressed with what Pete Carrol has done up there. I was not impressed with how Denver played in Jacksonville and I think Sea is a better team. The only way I see them winning is if they get their ground game going and can get some pressure on Matt Hasselbeck. However, it will be the Seahawks who chew up the yardage on the ground and get some good play out of their Defense.

Stl Vs OAK
Pick: OAK

Even though they got pounded in the opener I think the Raiders bounce back against a lesser opponent in the Rams. If the rams think they will throw 53 times against they are in for a rude awakeing. If they are to beat oakland it will have to be with Stephen Jackson. However, inspite of Chris Johnsons 142 yard rushing their rush defense is Much improved. They limited CJ to 66 yars on 25 carries if you take away his 76 yard scamper. Thats something would not have happened last year.

Hou Vs Was.
Pick: Houston

Romo lit up the Washington defense for over 300 yards and a TD. Houston can do better, they will lean on Arian Foster again. The Cowboys averaged 4.4 yards a carry, but just did not stick the ground Game. I like thie Houston team and I think they will hand Was their first loss of the season.

Pick: NE

Yes the Jets made some big offseason moves and have a very good defense. However, they only have 1 Derel Revis. The Pats score, plain and simple. Tom Brady will find the open check down if he's rushed and It looks like the Jets Rookie DB isnt ready for the show yet. Welker will abuse him all game if needed. 0-2 for the self proclaimed "Champs"

Pick: SD

The Sand Diego offense sturggled in the rain last week and seemed out of sync a bit. Another week of practice and some adjustments and I think Rivers rights this ship. Jax played a good game against a mediocre Broncos team and did good enough to win. MJD and Mercedes Lewis will need to show up for the Jaguars to have a chance.

Pick: IND

Peyton won't lose 2 in a row. I just cant imagine that happening. They will need to tighten down on their Run defense and contain Bradshaw and Jacobs or the Colts could be looking at their first 0-2 start since Peytons rookie season.

NO vs SF
Pick: NO

Who dat comes to the bay and will leave 2-0. The seahawks exploiting what seems to be a weak SF secondary and I expect Drew Brees to do the same. For the forty niners to have a shot at this Alex Smith will need to play like a stud. Which I do not see happening at all. The Niners front 7 is as good as any in the league, but it means jack if they can't get to the QB in passing situations.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

NFL Week 1 Predictions

This is something I like to do for fun every football season. I pick a winner of each game week by week and give a bried explination of why I think that team is going to win. Take it for what it is and See how I do each week. Feel free to discuss any of the picks I make, I love a good Debate. :)

Winner: NO

I know this game was already played,but I had NO winning it anyways. Believe me or dont idc :)


Winner: NYG

A lot of analysts think that Carolina has the potential to over come the Giants,but I think that the Giants more balanced attack on offense and Home Field gives them the advantage in this one. CAR QB Matt Moore hasn't impressed me enough to worry about CAR's passing game, but the two Headed beast of Williams/Stewart is always formidable.

Winner: Atlanta

Atlanta has made some quiet moves this off-season to improve their Defense and their offense is already prolific. As big a fan of Dennis Dixon as I am, ultimately he is still a yound developing QB in this league. This will be a tough fought game and I see it being decided by less than 7.

Winner: CLE

This is really is a toss up of 2 bad teams. Cleveland Has Jake Delhomme who looked on point this pre season and I think that gives them the advantage over TB. Cle's Defense also showed flashes last season of being stout with a decent secondary that could make TB easily on dimensional.

Winner: DEN

For as many problems as the Broncos have had this off-season with injuries I still think they are better than a rebuilding Jacksonville team. Orton/Gaffney will be a good combination and Moreno/Buckhalter will be playing against an untested Jag's defense. I hope Kirk Morrison has a great season in FL.

Winner: TEX

This is probably my boldest prediction and I think I may be completely wrong going against Peyton in the Opener. However, the Texans offense is scary at times and now with emergence of Arian Foster at the RB position I think it will be a complete shoot out with whoever has the ball last winning.

Winner: MIA

Buffalo has Spiller. Thats it.

Winner: DET

I honestly think DET is going to surprise a lot of people this season. They've been bad for so long and now how some serious offense about to happen. With Suh in the middle and a rebuilt defense. This could bring some excitement back to detroit. Chicago showed me nothing this preseason to put my worries about their inexperienced WR's Corp and poor offensive line play is a big concern for me

Winner: OAK

Call me Biased and you may see this a lot as I RARELY choose against my team ;) (it's bad luck) As far as Football talk goes. For the Raiders to win this Game they need to "contain" Chris Johnson. There really is not way to completely stop a back like that, but if they can prevent the 80 yard TD runs they should be able to win the opener. Jason Campbell will be ready to go and the Tenn pass D is Weak.

Winner: CIN

T.O, Ocho, Shipley and Jermain Gresham will prove to be too much for NEs beat up secondary. It will be a shoot out, but the Bengals ruin Welkers miraculous comeback.

Winner: ARI

Even with the major depatures from the desert, they still have a high powered offensive attack the Lambs wont be able to compete with. Derek Andersen was a Pro Bowler a lot of people forget. Fitz will play opposite of Breaston, but the WR to watch is Doucet, I loved what I saw out of him last season.

Winner: SF

Something tells me SEA is going to be a better team than a lot expect. I think Pete Carrol is going to turn that franchise around and my friend Mike Gibson is getting his first start at Guard for them in his 3rd year in teh league, but the 9ers Defense is just going to be too much. I'm shakey on the Offense though behind Alex Smith, I'd honestly have more fiath in this team if Troy Smith ended up Starting for them.

Winner: GB

Green bay is going to be a FORCE this season. A Rod and Co will outlast Philly's speedy Defense and out score their offense behind Kolb.

Winner: WASH

Another "reach" (wink wink) according to everyone else, but remember last year Washingtons Defense was good just on the field too long. They've sured up their offensive line a bit and with McNabb running the show I dont put anything past this team right now. Dallas looked mediocre this preseason and until they prove they can get in sync with each other I dont see them having a great season


Winner: BAL

Nothin like a bunch of Trash talk to get the testosterone flowing right? This is going to be a hard fought defensive battle, but I give the Edge to the Ravens Offense. They just have too many weapons now with the addition of TJ. I think Sanchez sucks so thats why I think the Ravens come out on top.

Winner: SD

KC has improved this off-season, but they arent really a match for the High Octane attack of the super chargers even without V.Jack. Look for Matthews to get 25 + Carries to grind out teh victory after Rivers inflates teh score.

I'll post back the results of each game and own had horrible I am at this lol.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Fantasy Football Top 5 by postion

I'm a huge fan of Fantasy football so I thought I would put out a little Topic of the Players I personally think will do the best at their respective posistions.

1. Aaron Rodgers, GreenBay Packers.
- I feel like Rodgers as quietly been climbing his was in the Elite Category and is Primed for a breakout season. His Offensive line is healthy and looks like it will be giving him much better protection this year.

2. Peyton Manning, Indy Colts
- I dont think there's much explination needed for this guy. He simply wins and Throws TD's

3. Drew Brees, NO Saints
- Leader of a High Octane passing offense Brees showed us why he is a top QB in this league last season taking his team to the Super Bowl. My only fear is a SB Hangover.

4. Tom Brady, NE Patriots
- Same as Manning, He's a Proven QB and good for atleast 200 yards and 2 TD's a Game.

5. Matt Schaub, Houston Texans
- He is surrounded by phenominal talent with a good back field that loves to catch the ball. so long as he limits his Mistakes he will be a Fantasy Stud.



Matt Ryan, Atlanta Falcons
- Matt is coming a long and climbing the ladder in the league when it comes to numbers. He has Michael Turner in the backfield which brings the Defense up and gives him the holes to Throw to Tony Gonzales and Roddy White.

Kevin Kolb, Philly Eagles
- The Eagles are a Pass First team with GREAT talent at Receiver in Desean Jackson and Jeremy Maclin starting, Brent Celek and Lesean McCoy out of the Backfield.


1. Maurice Jones-Drew, Jax Jaguars
- A lot of Fantasy drafts have Chris Johnson as the number one overall pick. Not I sirs. MJD is the Jacksonville offense. I believe ht epassing game will be improved this season and MJD just gets the ball whether swing passes or rushing he is consitently making plays.

2. Chris Johnson, Tenn Titans
- 2000 yards rushing, 2500+ total yards will bring your name to the front of the pack in a heart beat. Now Teams will find a way to make VY beat them instead of CJ. Maybe he hits 1500 yards again, but still a solid pick

3. Adrian Peterson, Minn Vikings
- He's worked hard this offseason to change the way he carries the rock so hopefully his fumbles will decrease and his numbers will increase. He had the best Statistical season of his career last year...and with the WR's questionable, AP will be leaned on a lot early on

4. Rashard Mendenhall, Pitt Steelers
- After taking over the starting Role last season he showed why he is a Top 5 Fantasy back. Pitt just runs the ball. Period.

5. Ray Rice, Baltimore Ravens
- Rice was a top back last season because of his ability to run and catch out of the backfield. I expect nothing less out of this Ravens offense this season. Especially with the Adition of Anquan Boldin.



Any AFC Running back that isnt a Bronco.
Ryan Matthews, Michael Bush, and Jamaal Charles look like they have something to prove. The ball will be ran in the West.
Jahvid Best, Detroit Lions
- This may be a California Biast but I personally feel that Best is going to bring alot of excitement to the RB position in DET, most since Barry.


1. Andre Johnson, Houston Texans
- How Andre goes, the texans go. He's an animal and will produce.

2. Reggie Wayne, Indy Colts
- Peyton Manning is his QB...He dropped about 15 lbs so he should be lighter on his feet which means better routes if its even possible for him.

3. Desean Jackson, Philly Eagles
- He always seems to be able to break big plays and Him and Kolb have a great chemistry. So long as he can stay healthy Djacks will produce numbers

4. Randy Moss or Wes Welker
- They are NE's Offense.

5. Larry Fitzgerald, Arizona Cardinals
- My only concern with Fitz is who is going to be throwing it to him. He's a stud, but he needs a consistent QB to get him the ball



There are way too many receivers to not have a decent corp now a days but here's a couple I think will be above average
Miles Austin, Cowboys. Jabar Gaffney, Denver. Greg Jennings, GB. Pierre Garcon, Indy. Brandon Marshall, MIA. Calvin Johnson, DET. Malcolm Floyd, SD. Anquan Boldin, BAL. Santana Moss, WAS. Steve Smith, NYG and CAR.

That should be enough, but honestly just about every team has a good WR that is worth a Draft. Even the Raiders with Louis Murphy


1.Anotonio Gates, SD Chargers
- With Vincent Jackson holding out and a Rookie RB I see Rivers and Gates breaking 1000 yards and 10 TD's easily together

2. Jason Witten, Dallas
- Tony Romo's favorite target gets open and catches the ball. Simple as that.

3. Vernon Davis, SF
- When Alex Smith entered the starting role last Year Vernon showed why he was a Top ten pick. I expect big things from the Bay this year.

4. Dallas Clark, IND
- One of Peytons favorite targets especially in the Red Zone. Always a Solid Pick

5. Tony Gonzales, ATL
- He's been too good for too long not to put him in the top 5 TE's/. He had over 130 targets last season from Matt Ryan, I dont see any reason for htis to dip this year.


Brent Celek, PHI- Idk how much of a "sleeper" he is anymore after his near 1000 yard season, but he didnt fit the top 5 for me.

Jermichael Finley, GB-- Him and Rodgers have a good chemistry going and he is a missmatch for most LB's with his speed.

Zach Miller, Oakland Raiders-- Their Best offensive weapon now has a QB who loves his TIght End (no homo) he just may Make the Pro bowl this season.


1. Jets- They are a nasty hard nose defense that lights up the other team. Even if Revis holds out all season I dont see them slacking too much.

2. Green Bay Packers - They have an amazing CB duo in Charles Woodson and Al Harris. I see them picking up RIght where they left off last season.

3. Eagles- One of the best blitzing teams in the league, they will give you sacks and turnovers.

4. San Francisco 49ers- This may be a stretch, but from what I've seen in the preseaon and the end of last season... This Defense is scary good led by Tackling monster Patrick Willis

5. Ravens-- When you think Ravens you think Defense. With the addition of Terrance Cody The run D will be even only concern here is their 2ndary.


Raiders-- I know what your thinking...but I feel there has been a huge change in oakland. With the drafting of Rolando McClain,Lamar Houston, and Walter McFadden along with Trade/FA additons Kameron Wimbley, Jon Henderson, and Quentin Groves...They have bolstered not only the 1st Team D, but the rotation...with a QB on offense to keep the Defense off the field, this D could be Top 10 in the league if they play up to their potential

Washington Redskins.-- Last season the defense was very stout rarely giving up more than 17 points. The only problem is they had no offense behind them to keep them off the field. If Shannehan lets Haynesworth start, this Defense could be scary good.

I'm not gonna rank the kickers, my advice...pick the kicker of a High Scoring team or a Low scoring team with a strong leg.
Suggestions: Adam Vinetieri. Nate Kaeding, Ryan Longwell, Sebastian Janikowski, David Akers.

Rarely do Kickers Win/lose fantasy games.

I hope this helps you in some way shape or form. The trick to fantasy is paying attention to match-ups and injuries. While Ray Rice may be a better Tail back than say Steve Slaton, but if you have Rice against the Jets and Slaton Vs the Rams...I would feel better with Slaton that week.

Feel free to ask any advice about your favorite team or players, I am really good at this. I finished first in 2 of my 3 leagues last season, finishing 2nd in the 3rd because of a BS 200 yard + game by Jabar Gaffney, lost by 7 points lol

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 4 and 5

Sorry I never got back to post that anyone is reading besides my mom lol. Yesterday went pretty well as far as eating goes. I am happy with the results and I worked hard to clean the house and mow the lawn which was quite a work out. I then went and threw the baseball for about an hour. So even though I didnt go to the Gym I was active and I am happy for that!

Today has been awesome. I went to the Gym this morning and have been really good about my eating. The plan is to hit the Gym tomorrow and maybe Thursday,but I'm not sure yet. Friday will be the first of many Weigh in's so I'll be posting the results that night!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 3.

Yesterday was Awesome! I ate pretty good, I did have a burrito for dinner, but no chips and didnt drink any soda all day! Then at the Gym I was beasting it on the elliptical. Hitting 12.3 mph for a straight minute and no pain! then I did some weights for about 20 min and then my glutes were starting to cramp so I decided to stop for the day. Got in a good hour. I'm happy today with my results of yesterday. :)

Today. I've had 2 mini banana nut muffins for breakfast. A little bit of sugar, but it was that or nothing and I know Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. No Gym planned today. I want to take a day to let my muscles recuperate a bit, but I'll be back at it tomorrow. I also have to clean and mow the lawn before the Parentals return so its not like I'll be a lazy bum. So todays goal is to stay motivated and keep working on watching what goes in my mouth.

Have a great sunday!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 2

Day 1 Review: I didnt get to post last night like I had hoped. I blame the Xbox lol My eating went pretty good during the day. Banana and some Raspberry sparkling water for breakfast. Then for lunch I had a Tuna Sandwich LOTS of Green Beans and squash, some new potatoes and a tiny, like one fork full, of Mac n cheese. The biggest thing I noticed is I didnt pick at anything in works kitchen. Usually I'd grab something sweet or whatever I could every time I walked through, but not yesterday! :) after work I went to the Gym and did 30 min on the elliptical machine on the Hill setting. Got 3 miles in and about 500 calories burned. After that I was a bit tired, but I still wanted to do weights, but I decided it would be better to just go to the sauna for a bit before I headed home. That is where things turned a little sour. I had an apple after the gym on the way home and I had planned on finishing the Digornio pizza (2 small slices) that was left over in the fridge. After a few hours of hangin out and doing homework and what not I gave in to my urges and ate 2 Pizza Hot Pockets. It's ok though, one day at a time and now those hot pockets are gone and with them Temptation. Today is a new chance :D

Today: I woke up feeling great at 5 am for work. When I got to work I ate 2 pieces of wheat toast with my Ras Water (7/8 sparkling water, 1/8 Raspberry Ice Tea) and now I'm sitting here thinking about today. I really like the way I felt knowing I ate healthy most of the day yesterday, but today I want to go the whole day without slipping. So my Goals for today, Make it through the day without slipping as well as go to the Gym after work. Be back later :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 1

Today I have decided I will be attempting to log my newest battle with weight loss. For those of you who don't know I've fought this fight several times before more recently losing a total of 117 lbs. However, some physical injuries and a relationship have steered me off course and I have gained a significant amount back within the last 2 years.

Currently I weigh 275 give or take a few. My goal by my next birthday, September 23, is to get back down to 225. I have exactly 2 months to lose 50 lbs. now I know some will say thats too much too fast, well thats the way I have to do this. Balls to the wall or dont go at all. Realistically if I lose 30 by then I will be happy because I do need to slowly adjust back into the physical lifestyle while I recover from a herniated disc. I just recently got a cortisone shot to relieve some pain so hopefully I can stay on course.

My biggest challenge will not be the working out, but the eating right. I am addicted to Pizza, Burritos and to be honest Soda again. So starting today I am cutting out soda again and limiting myself to 1 "cheat" day a week for 1 meal. The thing will me to EARN this day I must work out 4 days that week. I know your not suppose to reward yourself with food, but baby steps people lol.

I am planning on working out today after work for as long as I can max of an hour and a half. I will be back tonight to post on how I did today on my eating and workout. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

never enough..

the kiss still lingers on my lips every day
her touch still chills my spine
the questions linger like scars from the blade
releasing the pain from my heart
as the letters run down my arm
i feel free of this prison that confines me
when it dries I'm left with nothing again
why couldn't she see how I loved her
her eyes are focused on the horizon
longing for the touch of another
but why..why can't she be loved.
the longing for this person who uses her
makes her feel useless and alone
was worth more than a father to her son
she doesn't ache for my touch
not for my kiss or voice
but yet she tells me she loves me
the truth rains over me like a supernova on the galaxy
but the shades of love shield my heart from the truth
I'm everything she wishes he was..
nothing more
nothing less
what hurts the most is she is everything to me
not the cheating
not the lieing
the deepest cut is that I want her to succeed
and she refuses to let go of the last chain that holds her back
one night with him was worth more than my heart
i'm worthless and wish this pain would stop
i welcome the kiss again
as the pain runs free it cools my soul as it grazes my skin
Ill be alright for awhile...

Monday, March 22, 2010


another day another knife
piercing my slowly dieing heart
everything I wanted in life
now causes me to slowly die

she thinks she does nothing wrong
then why is she cooking my heart on an open flame
the barbs of the rotisserie bring the first pains
then the fire eats away at the flesh until I am numb

Saturday, February 27, 2010

What do I do....

She did it again...ripped my heart out without even thinking twice. Then her sense of regret came..I can see how she loves me in her eyes, but how could she do that..again..I love this girl more than I ever thought I could love someone. It's behind that puppy love Body feels when she's around. Not even when she's touching me, the sound of her voice makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I can't explain it, I look at her and Just know she's my soulmate.

The problem is she cheats on me. Or she has now 3 times in a year and a half relationship. All times are with the same guy she's cheated on every person she's been with on. She doesn't want to be with him otherwise she would be. She doesn't do it for pleasure because I satisfy her like no one else has. There's some emotional damage inside her driving this betrayal. It doesn't make it hurt any less, but I know thats where it comes from. What do I do? Do I walk away and say fuck off because she's sick? I know by all means I should and part of me wants to. I hate this feeling and hate her for what she's done. I don't know if I can forgive her this time or even if I should. The only problem is my heart can't stop loving her. No matter what she does I love her. It's not about devaluing myself because I know I can go find a girl who will appreciate me and treat me better,but what good is that if I don't love her the way that I will always love HER. I want HER to treat me right and feel as though if it were someone else I might take advantage of them and do the same because they are not...and perhaps as I am writing this I am realizing something else...maybe she wants him to act like me and thats why she doesn't value my love..idk so many thoughts and emotions to deal with and no one to talk to who really can try to understand. EVERYONE I mean EVERYONE tells me to leave her and no one really tries to understand her. People act in ways that are illogical all the time. We eat crap food even though theres a obesity epidemic. We watch massive amounts of TV even though it's proven reading stimulates the brain more. So why wouldn't someone cheat as a way of dealing with some sort of deep emotional problem, perhaps lacking the skills to communicate with someone you've lost a child with...

Some will say I'm making excuses because of her son. Maybe I am i dont know. I know that I love our family and am willing to do whatever it takes to keep us together. And then I know I can't at the same time because it takes two. I love that little boy like he is my own flesh and blood. Not seeing him and knowing I'm not his "Daddy" anymore makes me cry at random moments throughout the days and I am not a crier.. I want my family and I want her, but what do I do? Do I look like a fool to all my family and friends for continuing to put up with her bullshit in hopes that this time she realized what she had and will never do it again. I heard that before from her and look what happened..I cant help but want ot be with her. Something beyond words drives me towards her. The only ting preventing us from being together right now is my sheer will. How do I help her? How Do I fix us? I can't just walk away from her and him...If I do I will be walking away from my heart and soul...who wants to walk this earth as an empty shell....

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Darksiders Review


In this apocalyptic 3rd person slasher you control the devastatingly powerful Horseman War. War arrives on earth to a brutal struggle between heaven and hell as you take control of him to try and restore the balance. You come face to face with one of the Destroyers Chosen and ultimately fall. War's powers are weakened because his brethren have not been summoned. It's at this point that you realize that you are alone and something is wrong. The Horsemen are not suppose to be summoned until all the seals have been broken and The Apocalypse is underway. The Charred council saves you from death and places the blame of the premature End War on your shoulders.

The Council decides it is your job to return the forces of Heaven and Hell to their respective kingdoms, alone. You travel across a large landscape through several different sections as you try to regain your powers. Your weapon of choice is a blade that feeds off the souls of the people slain with it called the Chaoseater. As you navigate through the game you unlock several other tools and weapons that not only help you gain access to new areas and unlockables, but also add a variety of combination attacks that keep the constant slaying exciting. As strong as War is and is to become he is nothing but a pawn. Between the councils babysitter, The Watcher, is fused to Wars soul and can kill him in an instant if he decides to go rogue on the council. He makes his hold over War apparent several times throughout the story,but he is not the only one you end up working for. Vulgrim is a demon that loves to consume thousands of souls. After you meet him and quench his thirst for souls he becomes a valuable tool in your quest. As you collect more souls you can go to any of the many Vulgrim stations position throughout the world to unlock new moves for you weapons and purchase consumable items such as Health, Wrath Cores, and other liquids that boost your game play. When you come to The Crossroads region you meet the once powerful demon Samael. Samael's mere presence is intimidating and gives you a very ominous feeling. The Destroyer has stripped him of his Ultimate Power and he needs you to aide him in returning ot full strength. In return he gives you valuable information that will lead you to your ultimate goal and mission. Samael's power has been used to empower The Guardians of The Black Tower, which contains the truth of who is responsible for the early Apocalypse. You are then sent out to collect the Guardians hearts that Samael then Consumes and is released from his prison at The Crossroads.

There are several other characters along the way that you meet that will become more useful as the game moves forward. The last person you must assist before you can unleash your rage on Straga, the Destroyers Chosen that ended you in the beginning of the game, is the Angel of Death Azrael. He has been imprisoned in The Black Tower and needs your help to reopen the Well of Souls and in return he will help War complete his mission. After you finish the tasks for Azrael he reveals the conspiracy that was put into place by the former leader of Heavens Hellguard, Abaddon. Abaddon is a very important character in this game, you saw him perish in opening battle with Straga, but he will reappear. In Abbadons absence Uriel has taken over the Hellguard is our to kill anyone who was involved in the slaying of her fearless and noble Leader.

After you have finished Azraels bidding he takes to the Garden of Eden that was once thought to be destroyed. You are to visit the Tree of Knowledge and receive a "gift" that will hopefully help you finish the game. After your visit to the Tree Azrael and War come to the conclusion the only way to finish this is to obtain the legendary weapon, The Armageddon Blade. You then set out to collect the broken pieces so you can return this once powerful blade to it's full strength. Upon doing so you will be taken to the final battle.

There are a lot of things I left out of this review so that I do not ruin the game for any future players. Darksiders is a refreshing game in a field of dull and lackluster single-player games. The story is great and the game play is very fluid. To me it seems to be a combination of God of War, Zelda, and Prototype mixed together to create a unique experience. There's challenging puzzles, Legendary Weapons and hidden items that add more substance to an overall short game. The length would be my only complaint. I finished the game in roughly 18 hours although I haven't collected all the items or maxed out the weapons yet. It definitely left me wanting more, but luckily through some research and a bit of foreshadowing there is going to be a sequel and this one possibly will have a multiplayer aspect. I played through on Normal the first time and I can only imagine the skill and patience required to attack the daunting Apocalyptic setting. I highly recommend this game to any gamer who is a fan of the games previously compared.

Gameplay: 9/10 Could be longer.
Storyline: 10/10 Awesome and can't wait for more.

Written by: GoKuFX 2/20/2010