Friday, October 15, 2010


I recently have found this new campaign against Prop 8 in California. For those of you who dont know Prop 8 restricts the marriage of Same sex couples. I just felt like sharing because I believe this is something that needs to be rectified.

My biggest problem with the whole issue is Why can't 2 people be married? There is suppose to be a seperation between church and state..Most who argue feel as if it will desanctify Marriage. I'm willing to bet Money that thses people are not refering to the governments defition of Marriage. It more than likely has something to do with their religious beliefs. Here's a Big NEWS FLASH: Not everyone in the US is Christian or Catholic therefore have different beliefs. All we are asking is too allow people of same sex to get LEGALY married. If your church doesnt agree they dont need to hold the ceremony.

I know this isnt about weight loss, but its something I feel strongly about and thought I would share. I would love to hear your thoughts, For or Against I welcome all feedback.


  1. Love this post - well done. And for the record if people are so worried about "desanctifying" marriage, then why are our divorce rates over 50% for same sex couples? What about twice and thrice divorced people? Where is the sanctity of marriage in all of that?

  2. I'm gonna assume you ment opposite sex couples, but yeah thats a huge argument. I concur

  3. Great food for thought! YES! Two people who love each other should be able to get married...If you look back in history, we have gone through this before with the issue of race and marriage. This really isn't something new, its just different. It has been going on since the beginning of time with mixing religion and government...HOWEVER, my question is this: Is it really mixing it? If you look back to the formation of our government wasn't it based on religion? Just some food for thought?

  4. You just said it yourself in your comment. The formation of our constitution and country was forged to provide an outline for the future. It was specifically amended to allow Freedom of Religion and the Seperation of Church and State. What good are we doing by limiting equality because it's something different and that scares us? If you look at different debates on this topic you know what some of the logic is behind this?? "If we allow same sex marriage, whats next allowing people to marry their dogs?" yes beastiality apparently is the next step after Gay marriage...people also tend to believe if a child grows up in a Homo enviroment they will automatically turn out homo ultimately killing off our would literally take hundreds of years for there to even be an EQUAL number of loving homes for children to grow up in if it were true.

    This is the year's time to open our eyes to something thats preceded civilization as we know it...Homosexuality is nothing new, it wasnt until the "Church" took over. I have some pretty radical adeas when it comes to all that so I'll leave that for another day.

  5. That's brilliant! I love it. I'm adding it to my facebook.
    And it's good to have something really important to think about besides the cookies I'm NOT eating.

  6. Looking forward to hearing your radical ideas... I too have many of my own..

  7. I am so with you on this. In our country right now, there is a movement toward this separation of church & state going away if a certin party gets in power.. scares the sh*t out of me!!!!!!!
